What are Player Demerit Points (PDP)?
Player Demerit Points (PDP) are a system to enforce consistent attendance in our league.
These points are assigned to players who
demonstrate a lack of commitment to the MDHL. Hockey is a team sport
and we want our players to demonstrate a level of commitment to their
team mates and to the continued success of
the MDHL. When a player fails to show up for a game and/or shows up
late for a game he is letting the rest of the team
down and affects the overall game. On occasion there may be valid
circumstances where a player is late or unable to play. Hence, PDP is a
based on a point system to provide a certain amount of latitude before
a player is penalized.
How do I view my PDP status?
As a current regular roster member, you can see your own running PDP total in your Player Profile page which is found in the MDHL Profile listings.
How are PDP recorded?
Player Demerit Points are assessed based on individual game instances as follows:
- Absent (50pts) - A player who does not show up for a game without any prior notification to the GMs or team captains;
with no attempt to locate a substitute player. Notification or failed attempt to locate a sub after
12 noon on game day is still considered absent.
- Late (34 pts) - A player who shows up on the player bench after the game
(i.e. puck drops) has started. Generally, an MDHL game starts after a 15 minute
warm-up period.
- Sub (25 pts) - Subbing out of a game. A player who has found (or attempts to find, using the MDHL sub tool as evidence on record) another player to replace his position. It is still considered a sub if a player has found a replacement and the sub fails to show.
How are PDP calculated?
PDP accrues when a player commits one of the 3 listed infractions. At the end of a 10-game series, if the total PDP
accumulated is 100 points or more, the offending player will lose his privilege of 'right-of-first-refusal' for the next series. That is, a
candidate on the MDHL waiting list may be given priority over that player for the next series.
For example, based on the PDP, a player would be allowed a maximum of 2 absents (100 pts), 3 lates (102 pts), or 4 subs (100
pts). Here are some other possible combinations that would result in 100 points or more and a loss of player privilege:
- 1 absent + 2 subs = 100
- 2 lates + 2 subs = 118
- 1 late + 3 subs = 109
- 1 absent + 1 late + 1 sub = 109
Can accumulated PDP be reduced?
At the end of each 10 game series, players will have their PDP reduced by 75 points or to 0
points (whichever is greater) and PDP will begin accumulating again. For example, a player who has 84 points will start the next series with 9 points.
Appealing Points
PDP allows for some latitude so that a player does not lose his privileges due to one infraction. If a player has a legitimate reason for his absence or tardiness, he may submit his appeal in writing or verbally to one of the MDHL general managers for
review on a case by case basis. GMs reserve the final say in points
appeals. |